- Alternative Foundation: Founding Chairman, since 2020
- Alternative platform (AP): Dreamer/Chief Innovator, 2020
- Provincial government, Bagmati Province, Provincial Youth Council, Vice President; Recommendation Committee, Member 2020
- Provincial Government, Bagmati Province, Ministry of Social Development, Chief Expert, Provincial Youth Policy Draft, 2020
- Federation of Good Governance Nepal: Executive Advisor, since 2013 to till the date
- General Campaign for Good Governance: Central President, 2015
- South Asian Youth Network: President, from 2011 to 2014
- Youth NGO Federation Nepal, Central President, from 2009 to 2013
- National Youth Organization Nepal, Central President, from 2007 to 2009
- Government of Nepal, Ministry of Youth and Sports, National Youth Policy Drafting Committee, Member, 2009
- Government of Nepal, National Planning Commission, National Director Committee, Youth and Volunteers, Member, 2011 to 2012
- Local Governance, Action Research Project II, Coordinator. Financial Partner Organization, Government of Australia, and the Asia Foundation. Project Implemented by Federation of Good Governance Nepal, from 2015 to 2017.
- Constituency Development Program, Coordinator. Financial Partner Organization, USAID, and the National Democratic Institute (NDI). Project implemented by the Federation of Good Governance Nepal, from 2015 to 2018.
- Policy Debate, Parliament, and Political Leadership: Project Coordinator. Financial Partner Organization, USAID and WWF. Project implemented by National Youth NGO Federation, from 2014 to 2015.
- Youth and Employment: (Analysis of policy, planning, and program regarding youth and employment at National and International level: (India, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Japan, Finland, Norway and Nepal) Research Project, Team Leader. Partner Organization, National Planning Commission, Action Aid, and HELVATAS. Project implemented by Creative Forum Nepal, 2010.
- Seven Ministries of Government of Nepal, and MDG: Youth Program and Budget, Research Project, Team Leader. Financial Partner Organization, Save the Children. Project implemented by Creative Forum Nepal, 2010.
- Youth Self Employment Program: Study of South Asia, East Asia, and Developed Countries (of 15 countries), Team Leader. Financial Partner Organization, Nepal Government, Youth and Small Business Self-employment Fund, Project implemented by Creative Forum Nepal, 2012.